Introduce Simple Activities And Ideas to Your Toddler’s Development - Home Living Ideas For Improved Life




Thursday, 2 May 2019

Introduce Simple Activities And Ideas to Your Toddler’s Development

Interesting Activities to Introduce to Your Toddler’s life

Why should you foster the curiosity of creativity in your toddler? It should be every parent’s key role to encourage their children to take part in activities in their own way and at their own space. By allowing them to do many activities, you are actually building a base for them. They find it easier to grow up and get the most out of the activities they are engaged in. 
When you actually help them in those activities, they are more likely to develop their cognitive skills and language skills all at the same time. 
In the whole process, when you allow your toddler to do the activities on their own, maybe the end result is not satisfied. And you want to interfere with their work. Although the toddlers are not focused to create a finished product, the whole piece of work helps them in the long run. They will develop their own decision-making skills, and accelerate their thought process. As a result, they can be more focused and concentrated on what they do. Many activities are there for your toddler to engage them so as to foster their overall development. Let us take a look. 

Label The Household Items

Labeling allows your toddler to develop a sense of identification and common symbol about the items in the household. In addition to this, they develop a better understanding of letters and words independently. 
Arrange many labels to use on the various items around your room. If your toddler has knowledge about the letters, ask her to find the word ‘lamp’ on the label. If he does not, allow him to find out the first letter of the word. 
Reinforce the game every day and see how quickly they learn the letters.

Using Textures

Toddlers develop a sensory for different senses like touch, smell, and taste. This helps them learn the world around them.  
Get a dark marker to write a letter or number on a paper. Forget not to bring stuff like cotton balls, pipes, pasta, beans and etc. Your toddler will love to feel the letter with the traced letters and numbers. On the other hand, by touching the textured letters and numbers, your kid will learn at a fast pace. As the day progresses, you can use his name and ask her to fill it with the textures items. So, your little one will eventually experiment with the shape of the letters before they actually learn them by touches. 

Measuring Up

Measuring the items in your house is quite interesting for your toddler. Generally, we use a measuring tool for his purpose, you can use months, year, seasons to make the learning interesting. 
It will be interesting to have your child lie on the grass and place apples one by one upon them next to him. Ask her to measure how many apples is she tall at a certain age. The same way, use “Legos” in front of a couch, and ask her how many legos tall is the couch is and so on. Soon your child will learn counting and measuring ideas.

Scavenger Hunt

Since every child is a natural investigator, you can feed her exploration. For example, you arrange some specific models in your house for the scavenger hunt. Now, ask her to find out an item of a certain color from the cupboard. You can even ask her to get a book with an initial of her name. 

Singing Vocabulary Words

Sing words or rhymes whenever you are with your baby.  You can sing the ‘alphabet songs’ and ‘itsy-bitsy spider’ songs. You can introduce a wide array of new words and sounds to her. Soon, you will realize that your child is learning through singing when she recites everything in a melodic tune. 

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